
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Determining whether a product is “Web-Ready” in Websphere Commerce (WCS) or not

Websphere commerce catalog sub system stores catalog related information in various tables. One such table is the CATGPENREL. This table holds the relationship between a catalog group (which is actually a group of catalog items or category at the store level) and an entity (which is a product from the CATENTRY table).

When there is an association between a category group and a catentry, it means that the catentry (product / SKU) is associated with a catalog group.

Before displaying a product on the frontend Websphere commerce checks if the product is associated with any category for a particular store or not.

There are three mandatory fields in this database table which also form the complex primary key for the table. These are

  1. CATGROUP_ID – This is the unique id of the catalog group (Category)
  2. CATALOG_ID – This is the unique id of the catalog for a particular store. This can be found from STORECAT table
  3. CATENTRY_ID – This is the unique id of the actual produc / sku which is a foreign key on CATENTRY table

The query to check if a product is web-ready or not is

select * from catgpenrel where catalog_id=(select catalog_id from storecat where storeent_id=<<store_id>>) and catentry_id=<<catentry_id>>

<<store_id>> is the unique id of the store in question
<<catentry_id>> is the unique catalog entry (product / SKU) id from CATENTRY table

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