
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Overview of Websphere Commerce eMarketing Spots (emspot)

ESpots are specific defined areas on a JSP page whose content can be dynamically configured based on rules. Since websphere commerce version 6.0 and Feature pack 3 onwards, management centre feature can be used to manage ESpots, activities, catalog, and other marketing activities.

Introduced in feature pack 3, eSpot is created in management centre and the websphere commerce tables which are affected are as below

Emarketing Spots are stored in a table named EMSPOT with EMSPOT_ID (system generated), STOREENT_ID (store for which emarketing spot is created) and NAME (name of the emarketing spot) being the unique keys for the table.

There is a field SUPPORTEDTYPES which defines, as the name implies, supported types of things that can be displayed on an emarketing spot. In version 6.0 of wcs,

The types of things that this e-Marketing Spot can display:
A = Awareness ad
P = Product
C = Category
S = Cross-sell or Up-sell on product.
G = General content, which corresponds to a content spot. This value should only be used by the system.

Web activities are defined as rules to display targeted marketing content to customers in predefined e-Marketing Spots. If multiple web activities are configured to display different content on the same marketing spot, then the priority of the web-activity comes into picture.

DMACTIVITY is the table which holds the activity data. DMACTTYPE_ID defines the type of the activity. 0 is default for a web-activity. STOREENT_ID is the store with which activity is associated. STARTDATE and ENDDATE specifies dates between which the web activity is active. STATE field defines whether an activity is active or not.

DMELEMENT holds the details of the campaign elements associated with a marketing activity.

DMELEMENTNVP holds the name value pairs for each of the direct marketing element.

DMELEMENT_ID                 NAME                                                             VALUE                                    TRIGGERMATCH
10,512             collateralIdList             10463              0         
10,513             name                           rootPath          0
10,514             emsId                          10414              1

The collateralIdList specifies what the actual collateral to display is. This is contained in a table COLLATERAL


  1. this is very helpful. thanks.
    Do you know where the actual espot content is stored.

    1. Actual content is tored in the colldesc table, marketintext or longmartgtext will be the column name that will hold the content.

  2. Thank you for the advice and tips, yes! indeed to display targeted marketing content to customers in predefined e-Marketing Spots this will really help your business.
