Installing DynaCache Monitor and enabling servlet chaching on WCToolkit
Cachemonitor is an EAR application provided by IBM for managing the dynacache of the websphere application server.
Follow the link below which guides how to install cache monitor on Websphere Application Server. The cachemonitor.ear must be part of the installableApps of the websphere application server.
How to enable servlet caching
Once cachemonitor is installed, open the ibm websphere application server console.
The URL is generally http://localhost:9060/ibm/console
Click the servers => application servers option
Select the server (generally server1)
Expand the container settings section and then select web container
Now select the checkbox named “Enable Servlet Caching” to enable servlet caching.
hi even after enabling servlet caching. i am not seeing the servlet entries cached... is there any other place that i need to check...