
Monday, December 19, 2011

Shipping Calculation Code

Shipping jurisdictions, rules and charges can be configured using calculation code data model within websphere commerce.

SHIPMODE table consists of the shipping mode / method.
SHIPMODEDESC table consists of the description of the shipping method defined above
JURST consists of a Jurisdiction definition and JURSTGROUP is the grouping of the Jurisdictions. The JURST table also consists of the zip code range for which the shipping rule may apply.

JURSTGPREL table defines the relationship between JURST and JURSTGROUP. The SUBCLASS field of JURSTGPREL defines whether it is a ShippingJurisdiction (1) or TaxJurisdiction (2)

SHPJCRULE contains the relationship between the Jurisdiction and the Shipping mode. If multiple rows from the SHPJCRULE table qualify for the rule, then the row that has the highest precedence set will be applied.  If two rules have the same precedence then both the rules are applied.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Migrating OpenLaszlo module from WCS FEP1 to WCS FEPx

When applying a new feature pack / fix pack, the out of the box files that are customized may be overwritten by the fix/feature pack. To migrate all the customizations to the new fix / feature pack, follow the instructions

  1. Start websphere commerce developer environment
  2. In the enterprise explorer view, right click on “LOBTools” module and select “OpenLaszlo Migration à Compare Customizations”
  3. The compare editor will open displaying details about the changes that needs to be migrated. Also displays the line number.
  4. Manually migrate the changes to the new version

More details at