
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stop Search Engines to Indexing your site

This is something unrelated to IBM WCS but I encountered a situation where I had to do this on a IBM WCS powered ecommerce site.
To prevent a Search Engine from indexing a page, place the code below between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags.


This tag tells the robots not to index this page and not to follow any links within the page.


This tag tells the robots not to index this page, but follow any links within the page.

Another way is to place a Robots.txt file under the webroot folder of the webserver with the following contents

User-agent: *
Disallow: /
This will disallow indexing on the whole site 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Creating JSON object in WCS

Websphere Commerce provides a jsp tag to make it simple to generate a JSON object. For example, a product JSON might have to be created depending on the business requirements.

The details of the jsp tag is given below
<wcf:json object="${productJSON}"/>

where productJSON is an object (generally a Map) which gets converted to a JSON object.

Map contains key value pairs which are translated to JSOn as below

   Map {
         color: red

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Finding which APAR is installed on your Commerce instance

To find if a particular APAR is installed or find all APARs those are installed on your websphere commerce instance, check for the file NIFStack.xml or NIFHistory in the following path
